The Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) Scheme is implemented for non-gazetted Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ Central Government employees in various departments. The PLB Scheme was reviewed in 1982-83, and an Adhoc Bonus Scheme was created for employees who were not covered by the PLB Scheme. Both schemes do not have clear, quantifiable targets and performance evaluations of individuals are not possible in an objective manner. The Ministry of Finance has suggested that the PLB scheme should be revised to be based on productivity and profitability. The Sixth Central Pay Commission recommended that all departments should ultimately replace the PLB Scheme with a Performance-Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS), which should be based on productivity and profitability. However, the PRIS could not be implemented, and the existing system of performance-linked and ad hoc bonus schemes continues. The financial outgo on both schemes was INR 1847.08 crore for the year 2013-14.
The big question would be on how the government is planning to handle the PLB (Productivity Linked Bonus) scheme in the 8th CPC or 8th pay commission and there are many government employee who are waiting for this announcement and also the methodology which central government would put in place to manage Bonus in 8th Pay Commission
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