Tamil Nadu Government vide the G.O.(Ms).No.293 dated 30-Dec-2021
Tamil Nadu Government vide the G.O.(Ms).No.293 dated 30-Dec-2021 has announced that dependent children of government employees will now be covered by the New Health Insurance Scheme 2021, regardless of their age above 25. The scheme offers medical assistance for treatments of up to Rs. 5 lakhs and up to Rs. 10 lakhs for specified illnesses, with a subscription fee of Rs. 300 per month. The United India Insurance Company Limited has been requested to quote an additional premium to cover dependent children without age limits under the scheme and to create a help desk for hassle-free treatment. The company has furnished the coverage of dependent children under the scheme subject to conditions such as being unmarried, unemployed, pursuing higher studies, divorced without any children, and mentally disabled. The company has quoted a nominal premium of Rs. 20 per family per annum to cover dependent children without age restrictions, which the government has agreed to bear. Administrative sanction has been given for a sum of Rs. 1.86 crore per annum for a block period of four years commencing from 2021-2025 for additional coverage under the scheme for government employees, with a financial sanction of Rs. 1.09 crore for the current financial year 2021-2022. The nodal officers in help desks stationed in the top 50 hospitals for the benefit of all employees covered under the scheme have been notified.
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